
About writing blog in English

I think this class is beneficial to me to advance of my English skills at all points. First, I can study English vocabulary in this class through to write blog in English. This system of studying English vocabulary is smooth and efficient.
And then, I can also learn to writing long sentence in English through it. It is good for me, because I didn't write many sentences until I took this class. Also, I can study other cultures through seeing UNH Japanese blog and other classmate's blog. It is interesting learning other cultures. Lastly, I am going to go on to writing this blog in English.


My opinion

In my opinion, nap time is best time in a day. First, napping is comfortable for me.
And I get mysterious but good feeling when I wake up from a nap.
I think this feeling is marvelous. Second, napping is good for your health. Some research says napping is effective to recover from tiredness. However naps sometimes have a bad influence upon sleeping at night, you don't feel sleepy at night, because sleeping too long during the day. These are why I think nap time is best time of the day.


Soseki Natsume

I read "Bocchan" written by Soseki Natsume lately.
Do you know Soseki? Soseki Natsume is famous writer in Japan. Though he had already died, his works entertains with many japanese people yet. Today, I introduce "Bocchan" which is one of his works.
This story's main character was called "Bocchan" that means childish. He was naughty boy when his childhood. And he became a teacher when grew up.
But students were disobedient to him in the school. And there were two nasty teacher. Story follows.

I think this story is interesting.